When You Don't Know What To Do


Sometimes it’s hard to find your way in the dark. A difficult relationship, an ongoing struggle, patterns of spiraling, the exasperation of parenting, the journey of healing trauma. Where do you most relate? Perhaps life feels really out of balance. Maybe it took being off balance for you to notice. In the noticing, we can do something about it.

Go back to what you know to be true. What are the frameworks for mental health that give you (and your relationships) a strong foundation?

Somewhere you may have felt derailed or thrown off balance. The beautiful thing is, we can always come back to center. We don’t have to stay stuck; we don’t have to keep spiraling.

Instead of checking out, what if we check in? There are foundational things that help us even though we fight them. First, bring the breath. Notice the rise and fall of your in-breath and out-breath. See if you can balance them and extend them. Fill up your water glass and drink it down. Sit in reality — notice the conflicting thoughts and feelings, and give them each some room to be expressed. Check in on your boundaries, if there is somewhere you need to set some limits or reach out for safe connection.

When you don’t know how to parent or be in that tough relationship, consider these foundations for mental health in your home. Model it, live it, teach it, focus on it. It will create the secure base, and from there, a healthy development can launch.

For your reflection: Are there areas you are noticing that are off balance for you? What needs some attention?If you feel solid and secure, what do you attribute it to? Appreciate the moment and acknowledge the support that has brought you to this place.

Action steps: Develop a new default when you have the thought “I don’t know what to do.” When you feel discouragement or confusion, be responsive and attentive. Practice with reassurance that you can go back to what you know to be true. The foundations for mental health will hold you.
