
When You Don't Know What To Do

Sometimes it’s hard to find your way in the dark. A difficult relationship, an ongoing struggle, patterns of spiraling, the exasperation of parenting, the journey of healing trauma. Where do you most relate? Perhaps life feels really out of balance. Maybe it took being off balance for you to notice. In the noticing, we can do something about it.

Go back to what you know to be true. What are the frameworks for mental health that give you (and your relationships) a strong foundation?

Somewhere you may have felt derailed or thrown off balance. The beautiful thing is, we can always come back to center. We don’t have to stay stuck; we don’t have to keep spiraling.

Welcome All the Parts

If we really want to know ourselves, how necessary it is to sit with all the layers of complexity, and to hold our reality with compassion. Big feelings of gratitude can also be felt with moments of fear and frailty. We can be both strong and raw, both determined and worn. It is okay to be where we are, while we also hold with intention a desire to move forward. We can view our lives and our growth as a process of ups, downs, challenges, and rest.

With mindfulness, we are more fully aware, and we welcome what is.

For some, there may be discouragement being hit with the waves of hard emotions. It may take extra practice to notice what else is happening, to not only reinforce the negative, to not spiral down with heaviness.

There’s something really significant about validating a person’s reality and whole experience. To welcome all the parts, all the feelings, no matter how conflicting or how confusing they may be. Not only are we needing to do this for others; we can learn to do this for ourselves.