We are reflecting together about the concept of time. Starting with just a little, and even that small step can make a difference.
Have you ever found that there never seems to be enough? Does time ever get away from you?
How do we, then, slow it down? Or savor it?
It’s almost like we have to push back, notice the disappointment — in ourselves or in our circumstances — and invest the time instead. We can look at all we didn’t do…that we didn’t have time or energy for…..time that was lost. Or perhaps it could be life giving, life sustaining, to see time as an investment of what I gain.
For your reflection: As I consider my day, or my weekend, what am I glad for? What was helpful or refueling? Where did I invest well?
Action steps: What would most help my heart to refuel, even for a few moments? (A few ideas to get you started — meditate, stretch, get outside, reach out to a friend, read a page from a book you’ve been hoping to get into…..listen to your own heart for what works best for you!)
Leave a comment below if you’d like to share your steps and interact in community with others!